Submitting your complaint, feedback or suggestion
We encourage you to give us feedback and promise to provide a safe environment for you to be heard in. The purpose of our complaints system is to improve our services. We are interested in what you have to say and we will ensure that complaints are dealt with respectfully and quickly. There are several ways to submit your complaint, feedback or suggestion.
In Person
Tell an Anglicare WA staff member you are in contact with
Email us directly via
Call us directly on 1300 11 44 46
Social media
Send us a direct message for private support on Facebook or Instagram
Letters can be mailed to:
GPO Box C138
Improving our services
Child Safety
We are an accredited Child Safe Youth Safe organisation. Feedback and complaints about child safety are vital for us to stay informed and continually improve our services. Please email if you have information.
Accessibility assistance
Access accessibility tools by clicking the '웃' icon at the top right of this page, or contact Anglicare WA by phone on 1300 11 44 46, or email
Sharing information
When you provide feedback or make a complaint, we may share the information with relevant staff to improve our services (we will let you know before we use your information). If you do not want us to share your feedback or complaint with the staff who the complaint or feedback is about, that is ok, please let us know. For more information view our Privacy page.
When responding to your feedback or complaint, we will make sure to protect your privacy and confidentiality. Sometimes we will need to share the information you tell us, if this is necessary to keep you safe or other people safe. We will let you know when we need to share your information. For more information view our Privacy page.
Language options
Indigenous Australians
- Kirundi - Complaints information.pdf
- Pitjantjatjata - Complaints information.pfd
- Walmajarri - Complaints
- عربي Arabic - Complaints information.pdf
- 中国人 Chinese - Complaints information.pdf
- Filipino - Complaints information.pdf
- Kirundi - Complaints information.pdf
- Kriol - Complaints information.pdf
- Pitjantjatjata - Complaints information.pfd
- русский Russian - Complaints information.pdf
- ไทย Thai - Complaints information.pdf
- Tiếng Việt Vietnamese -
Complaints information.pdf