
What is Recovery After Violence Support?

Recovery After Violence Support works with victims/survivors on a medium to long term basis providing support, advocacy, education and referrals.

The service can:

  • Support attendance at court hearings
  • Facilitate attendance at legal appointments
  • Advocate with Government Departments such as Child Protection, Housing and Police
  • Provide education on court processes
  • Refer to other programs as needed

We work with families to identify risk; increase safety; set, monitor and review goals; and ultimately equip family and domestic violence victims/survivors to advocate on their own behalf to improve their outcomes in the Family Court.

The service works with victims/survivors of family and domestic violence to:

  • Feel confident in managing personal and family safety
  • Use strategies for reducing risk of harm to themselves and others
  • Identify supports and resources to access when needed
  • Increase knowledge and skills in how the Family Law system works
  • Increase confidence in navigating Family Court processes
  • Achieve their desired outcomes in the Family Court

Who is the service for?

Anyone who is a victim/survivor of family and domestic violence accessing the Perth Family Court in relation to Children’s Matters.

How to access the service?

Contact us directly or request a referral from another organisation such as the Family Advocacy Support Service.

We invite you to an initial appointment to understand your situation. You can choose for this to be in person, phone or online.

Your next appointment is with your allocated Case Manager who arranges to meet you in a convenient Perth Metro location or in one of our Metro offices.We work with you to develop a specific plan to achieve your goals and meet your needs.

The plan is reviewed regularly to meet your changing circumstances.Where necessary, we can refer you to other programs to achieve your goals.

This is a free service.

RAVS booklet



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