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Aug 17, 2023
Anglicare WA, the Cities of Wanneroo and Joondalup, and the Quinns Bulls Football Club hosted the Standing Together Round last weekend, showing support for a new family and domestic violence (FDV) prevention program in Perth’s northern suburbs. 

Standing Together involves Anglicare WA working with Wanneroo and Joondalup to engage their workforce, sporting clubs, and community groups to prevent FDV. The program provides workshops equipping participants to promote healthy and respectful relationships at home, at school, at the footy club, and in our workplaces; speak out and step in when they see violence happening; and to advocate to change the systems that are enabling violence to occur. 

For the Standing Together round, the Quinns Bulls formed an honour guard while the program’s Community Facilitator, Victoria Smith, addressed the crowd on the importance of FDV prevention as part of a whole-of-community approach to ending the problem. Invited guests included Tracey Roberts, Member for Pearce, Mark Folkard, Member for Burns Beach, and Linda Aitken, Mayor of City of Wanneroo, who performed the coin toss. 

Anglicare WA CEO Mark Glasson, who also attended the event, said across our state there are hundreds of women and children living in temporary accommodation having fled the threat of violence in their own homes.  

“Many more cannot leave as they have no alternative safe living arrangements,” Mr Glasson said. 

“Last week, we learned another woman had been killed as the 41st victim of family and domestic violence in Western Australia this year, and we know one in four women experience violence by an intimate partner or family member.” 

“We need to ensure our communities are safe places for everyone to learn, grow, and thrive. This starts with people learning the skills and knowledge to alter the conversation around FDV, to prevent and call it out, and change systems that enable it to happen.” 

Quinn’s Bulls President Ian Lee said the club, players and supporters were keen to take a public stand against FDV. 

“We just won’t tolerate domestic violence. Especially with what’s been going on in the community and in the news at the moment. it’s terrifying and it’s saddening, and we want to do what we can to help stop it.” 

If you would like to know more about Standing Together or enquire about hosting a workshop for your club, community or workplace, please contact Anglicare WA on 1300 11 44 66 or at

Anglicare WA Media contact:  
James McHale | P: 0405 297 024 | E:   

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