Anglicare WA will continue to invest in a culture that prioritises the safeguarding of all children and young people, through appropriate resourcing, seeking the advice and support of relevant stakeholders, prioritising transparency and a continuous learning environment and ensuring adherence and alignment to relevant legislation and best-practice related to child and youth safety.
Download our full Child Safe Youth Safe statement here.
Download our Child Safe Booklet (below)

Complaints and Concerns
Anglicare WA welcomes feedback from clients about their experience with our services. Your feedback helps us to improve. We will take all feedback, complaints and concerns seriously and respond promptly. We are committed to supporting the community with an ongoing responsibility for continual improvement. Should you have any concerns about the safety of a child, please contact us by phoning 1300 11 44 46 or email
Child Safe Organisation - National Principles
The safety and wellbeing of children and young people is placed at the centre of our values and actions. Anglicare WA adheres to and is guided by the 10 National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, developed by the Human Rights Commission from the findings of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
The National Principles underpin the processes and procedures that aim to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people across all areas of the organisation’s work. View Child Safety National Principles.
Child Safe Youth Safe Framework
Our Child Safe Youth Safe Framework is approved and supported by the Anglicare WA Board, Anglicare WA’s Chief Executive Officer and Executive Team. The Child Safe Youth Safe Framework outlines the strategies and actions Anglicare WA will take to provide safe environments for children, young people and their families.
The Framework ensures our commitment to child and youth safety through:
- Creating environments and services where the safety and wellbeing of children and young people is at the centre of our values and decision-making
- Genuinely valuing and engaging with, the voices of children and young people, their families and communities
- Having robust recruiting practices to ensure compliance with legislation and practice consistent with the National Principles, including a Child Safe Youth Safe Code of Conduct
- Compulsory training for all Anglicare WA workers to increase knowledge of abuse, neglect and harm and how to respond to these concerns, disclosures, and allegations, relevant to their role
- Having an accessible and responsive complaints process, including one that is accessible and understood by children, young people, people with a CALD background, people and people with literacy barriers
- A commitment to continuously reviewing and improving our systems to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people across our organisation.
External Resources
For Parents & Carers
- What is a child safe organisation
- How to help children have safe online experiences
- Protective behaviours and body safety
- Cultural importance - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children/young people
- Cultural differences and conflict
- Building respectful relationships
- What is child abuse and neglect
- How to respond when a child says they've been harmed, abused or are experiencing neglect
- Commissioner for Children and Young People