
Advocacy News

Welcome to Advocacy News from Anglicare WA. Here you can find the latest updates on all things Government, policy and reform - and how Anglicare WA is fighting for a just and fair Western Australia. 

This page will be updated with new content each quarter.

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Issue #2

Rental Affordability Snapshot 22

2022 Rental Affordability Snapshot 

3 May 2022

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Jobseeker Stats


Jobseeker polling - We Must Raise the Rate 

3 May 2022

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James D McHale

Other News This Quarter

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Issue #1

October - December 2021

Jobseeker Support Rising


Jobseeker Survey Shows Majority Sustained Support for Higher Rate

21 December 2021

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Anti-Poverty Week in October: Joint Report with Ngala Released

21 December 2021

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Raise the Age


Keeping Kids out of Detention

21 December 2021

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